
The Indiana Historical Bureau originally published the biographies of Indiana legislators who served from 1816 to 1984, in cooperation with the Select Committee on the Centennial History of the Indiana General Assembly, as A Biographical Directory of the Indiana General Assembly, compiled and edited by Justin Walsh, Rebecca A. Shepherd, Charles W. Calhoun, Elizabeth Shanahan, and Alan F. January, with the assistance of Vincent A. Giroux, Jr., 2 vols. (Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Bureau, 1980, 1984).

Biographies 1985 to present and video content compiled by Ball State University’s Bowen Center for Public Affairs, Indiana Legislative Services Agency, and other sources.

Photos courtesy of the Indiana State Library and other sources. Great thanks to the Rare Books and Manuscripts Division of the Library and to Bethany Fiechter, Brittany Kropf, Lauren Patton, and Laura Eliason for their dedication to the huge task of locating thousands of archived photographs of past legislators.

Thanks also to Andrea Glenn, State Documents Coordinator at the Indiana Division of the Indiana State Library, for her help with the ongoing curation of the facts and figures contained in the database, and to Trevor Foughty, for unearthing errors, omissions, and items of interest that would never have seen the light of day but for his enthusiasm and hard work.

All copywritten material is owned by its respective party and used on this website by permission.  All rights reserved.

The Indiana Legislative Services Agency also would like to acknowledge and thank the following organizations for their contributions to this project: